Windows – Executing a powershell script through batch file

batch filecommand linepowershellwindows

I am trying to execute a powershell script through a batch file, at the moment I am only testing this to get it running so the .ps1 file is simply a hello world script.

This ALMOST works fine except there is a spanner to throw into the works;

I am trying to have the .ps1 stored in a remote location (on a shared NAS to be specific). This works when I have the .ps1 saved locally and point the .bat to the local .ps1.

However now that the .ps1 is in the remote location I am thrown with the following error;

"file (pathname) cannot be loaded. The file (pathname) is not digitally signed. The script will not execute on the system"

Now I am aware of execution policies and mine are as follows;

MachinePolicy  =   RemoteSigned
UserPolicy     =   Undefined
Process        =   Undefined
CurrentUser    =   RemoteSigned
LocalMachine   =   Bypass

I have tried changing CurrentUser to Bypass but I am thrown with the following;

Windows Powershell updated your execution policy successfully, but the setting is overridden by a policy defined at a more specific scope

Screenshot of above error

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Sorry if this has been a lot of information! If any of it is unclear feel free to ask me to clarify! I'm fairly new to all of this!

Best Answer

You can still run the script - you just need to tell PowerShell to bypass the system's executionpolicy like this:

powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file \\server\share\yourscript.ps1
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