Windows – “Error 5: Access denied” when installing programs with UAC turned off

installationuacwindows 7

I'm having some trouble installing msysgit on Windows 7 Home Premium. I downloaded the setup file from the Google Code and then ran it. Upon running, I got the following error:

enter image description here

I have tried downloading and running different older versions of msysgit with no luck. For the record, I have administrative privileges and there are no other user accounts on this Windows machine. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

UPDATE: I have managed to semi-fix this problem. I turned on User Account Control back to the default setting and and then ran the setup file as an administrator. I successfully managed to install Git. However, this means I have to keep UAC turned on whenever I want to install a new program (I realised that it persists over all programs; not just Git). So it's quite a nuisance.

If anybody knows how I could keep UAC disabled whilst still being able to install programs without running their setup files as an administrator, I would be eternally grateful.

UPDATE: I have changed the question title to better suit the new situation.

Best Answer

Looks like a permissions issue, not a UAC issue. There shouldn't be any permissions problems when creating a file/folder in your own user profile. Can you manually create a file/folder in that path without it requiring elevated access? If not you have ACL issues as mentioned in another comment.