Windows – “Empty Working Set” option in RAMMap

memory managementwindows 7

What does this option basically do? Does it free the unused memory? If so, how does it affect the performance? In what cases will I use it?

Best Answer

Excerpt from my copy of Windows Sysinternals Administrator's Reference 1st ed:

Empty Working Sets Removes memory from all user-mode and system working sets to the Standby or Modified page lists. Note that by the time you refresh RAMMap’s data, processes that run any code will necessarily populate their working sets to do so.

Empty System Working Set Removes memory from the system cache working set.

From personal experience, I just used taskmgr to view the memory changes.

Initial - 6.41 GB

After opening RamMap - 7.19 GB

After doing Empty working set - 5.45 GB

Close RamMap - 4.68 GB

Also, an image of the same below:

enter image description here

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