Windows Easy Transfer in Windows 10


I want to upgrade to Windows 10 but heard there is no more Windows Easy Transfer. Is it still possible to backup on windows 7 and still open the file in Windows 10?
Or is there something else I should try?

Best Answer

No, Windows Easy Transfer is really gone.

Options you still have:

  1. Do a manual transfer: copy files you want to an external drive, and move them over to the new Windows 10. Pros: it's free. Cons: no programs transfer, takes time, will probably forget some of them. I'd use this if most of the stuff is not that important and you don't have any programs you can't redownload.

  2. Use a 3rd party tool. There are several out there, starting with backup tools like Acronis, but the proper tool would be a migration tools such as Zinstall. They have an Windows 10 Easy Transfer alternative, which will copy files, settings etc., and they also have a tool that can actually transfer programs to a new PC, i.e. full migration. Pros: it transfers everything, even programs if you use the advanced version. Fast, won't lose stuff. Cons: it costs money...

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