Windows – Downloaded upgrade to windows 10 will not install

windows 10windows 8.1windows-10-upgrade

I have downloaded Windows 10 upgrade (on Windows 8.1 Home x64) and I want to install, but nothing happens.

First I have closed the Terms & conditions window and it said Deleting files.

Then I have accepted Terms & conditions and have setup some schedule before just to postspone the installation, but now after clicking on OK, continue appears We are working on it and then the window closes and nothing happens.

enter image description here

Is there a way how to reset or repeat or fix the upgrade process?

This is what I see in Windows Update, though I did not cancel it explicitly, it seems it got cancelled, how to un-cancel it?

enter image description here

WU error code is 8024000B.

I will add here for completeness what I did and what happened:

  1. Confirmed download of Windows 10
  2. When Terms & Conditions window first appeared I have closed it with windows X close button
  3. Windows said: deleting files
  4. Then I was still able to open and accept Terms & Conditions without any download
  5. I have created some schedule to not to be bothered by the installation
  6. When I wanted to upgrade later nothing happened
  7. I did wuauclt /updatenow
  8. Windows update downloaded 546 kB of some data named Windows 10 Upgrade
  9. Everything was OK – upgrade successful

Best Answer

You can use the Windows Media Creation Tool which you can download here.

This helps you to upgrade to windows 10 or lets you create a USB install drive.

By providing the additional information I was able to find a possible solution provided by microsoft. You can find it here.

It seems that Windows Update can't read a file (Update Manifest), to solve this you can follow the instructions:

  1. Click Windows+R
  2. Paste "Cmd /c ren %systemroot%\System32\Spupdsvc.exe Spupdsvc.old" without the quotes.
  3. Click Ok and run the Updates again.

Another method could be to run cmd.exe and enter "wuauclt.exe /updatenow". That starts the upgrade process again.

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