Windows – Download speeds are good. Upload speeds are terrible. Win7

connectioninternet connectionuploadwindows 7

I’m running Windows 7 with a wired connection to my Verizon FIOS router. My download speeds are usually around 80 Mbps, but my upload speeds are lucky to break 1.0 Mbps. This is a new problem, although I haven’t changed anything about my set up. We did, however, suffer a bad storm and power outage before all of this happened.

My wireless network—plugged into the same router—is fine. My laptop connected via ethernet to the router is fine. (Upload speed is usually around 30.0 Mbps.) So it’s only on my desktop that this problem is occurring.

I’ve tried everything I can think of or find to fix it, with no success.

Any thoughts?

Best Answer

Since you don't have the problem on your wireless router connected to the same router, and you changed the ethernet cable, I think you're right in assuming that the problem is inside your machine. By chance did you try, if possible, a different ethernet port on your router (assuming it has more than 1).

The fact that you tried a wireless adapter on the desktop makes me doubt it is a problem with the ethernet card, however I still want you to try and removing the ethernet card drivers and let Windows automatically find and install new ones.

After that, could you by chance try booting into another OS like Ubuntu from a Live CD and see if you still have the same upload issue from there? That way we can get closer to knowing if it is a software or a hardware problem.

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