Windows – Does Windows 10 Pro N not include Microsoft bloatware like Candy Crush

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I installed a both Windows 10 Pro, and Windows 10 N Pro. According to Microsoft

The "N" editions of Windows 10 include the same functionality as other
editions of Windows 10 except for media-related technologies. The N
editions don't include Windows Media Player, Skype, or certain
preinstalled media apps (Music, Video, Voice Recorder).

I noticed that in the N install that Candy Crush and associated "Bloatware" were not installed.

Is this true that the N version will not install the extra apps? In the list provided by Microsoft here, apps like Candy Crush are not mentioned. If you install the Media Feature Pack update package, would these apps be added back?

Best Answer

It still includes the Blotaware apps, because the ContentDeliveryManager-Package (Microsoft-Windows-ContentDeliveryManager-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~10.0.17134.1.mum) is still included in the N Edition.

You can use the setupcomplete.cmd during setup to remove the package and look if this prevents installing bloatware.

install_wim_tweak.exe /o /c Microsoft-Windows-ContentDeliveryManager-Package /r