Windows does not recognize DVDs inserted into Blu-ray drive

blu-raydvdwindows 7

I am having a problem with a Blu-ray drive I have in my PC. Its a Blu-ray reader drive and it reads and writes CDs and DVDs. My drive has been working great for about a year now, but for some reason now, when I insert a DVD, Windows 7 doesn't recognize that there is a disc in the drive. I have to eject the disc and insert it again. I sometimes have to do this like 30 times before it "catches" and Windows 7 recognizes the disc.

My discs are not scratched up. It does it even with brand new discs. I've tried about 10 different DVDs and the same problem happens. One thing that is weird though is that the problem does not seem to happen when I insert Blu-ray discs. The problem only happens with DVD discs. I tried running a drive lens cleaner. Same issue.

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

I just experienced the same issue with my BD-RE drive. I was ripping a DVD with DVDFab and an error occurred and the program quit. When I went back in to rip another DVD the program would not recognize the disk. I then looked at the drive in My Computer and realized that Windows 7 is not reading the DVDs at all. After a few reboots and removing the drivers and reinstalling them I still had not fixed the problem.

I then tried Microsoft's "FixIt" program which was a joke and did nothing. Next, at the advice of a Microsoft forum here I went into the registry and removed "UpperFilters" and "LowerFilters" from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}. After this, I restarted and Windows had a BSOD so I rebooted again and got in fine. However, my problem was still not fixed.

I then searched the web a little and found that other people with the same BD-RE drive (Lite-On ATAPI iHBS112 2) have had similar problems. I looked at my drive properties in Device Manager and under the Details tab I selected Hardware Ids and found that my firmware version was CL0B. I found and downloaded the firmware upgrade CL0K, installed it and restarted my system.

Now everything is back to normal and my drive works great. Hope this helps.

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