Windows – Display different icon for empty folders on network drives

iconswindows 7windows-explorer

I have to work with a lot of files on network drives. There are kind of "project directories" which are always organized in the same structure with sub-directories which are again divided in sub-directories.

Very often, those subdirectories are empty and it is quite frustrating and time consuming to open a sub-directory in Windows Explorer only to find that it is in fact empty.

Is there a way to avoid that? I could imagine having a separate Icon for empty folders which would show me directly that is makes no sense to open that folder.
However, I am not the "owner" of those directories, so this should be a modification only done on my computer and should not necessarily effect other users.

Best Answer

With Windows7, Just change the folder view to Medium Icons or other view that display a larger icon. Windows7 will display empty folder with the 'Empty Folder' icon. then you can identifies those empty folders.