Windows – Disconnect from smb share with powershell on Windows 10

network-sharespowershellsambawindows 10

I'm trying to disconnect a smb share with a Powershell command in Windows 10:

net use * /delete

However, this command does not work, because the share is not shown with net use. The output is There are no entries in the list.

Get-SmbConnection is showing the results I'd expect,

ServerName ShareName UserName  Credential Dialect NumOpens
---------- --------- --------  ---------- ------- --------
FILESERVER extra     xxx\xxxxx xxx\xxxxx  3.0     1
FILESERVER home      xxx\xxxxx xxx\xxxxx  3.0     1
FILESERVER IPC$      xxx\xxxxx xxx\xxxxx  3.0     0
FILESERVER public    xxx\xxxxx xxx\xxxxx  3.0     2

But I do not know how to disconnect a share with this information.

The reason for my question: I want to write a batch script which disconnects all network shares from a PC after log off (e.g. Win+L keys). On Windows 7 and 8 I use the mentioned net use * /delete command, which does not work on Windows 10, as shown above.
The SMB shares are accessible with the GUI (Explorer -> Network …) and I can save, change and delete files on them. But the share is not mapped to a drive letter.

Following is a bit output for stuff that does not help, but it seems my question is still not clear enough:

Get-SmbConnection : see above, I want to close these!

Get-SmbSession : No output.

Get-SmbMapping : No output.

Get-SmbShare :

Name   ScopeName Path                              Description
----   --------- ----                              -----------
ADMIN$ *         C:\WINDOWS                        Remoteverwaltung
C$     *         C:\                               Standardfreigabe
IPC$   *                                           Remote-IPC
print$ *         C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers Druckertreiber

Best Answer

Try Remove-SmbMapping. Assuming you're on the client, it looks like this is the one you want to use. You can probably pipe results from Get-SMBConnection to Remove-SmbMapping

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