Windows – Disable Internet Explorer’s “A proble‌m with this webpage caused Internet Explorer to close and reopen the tab”

internet explorerwindowswindows 8.1

This has been a serious issue with me. Oftentimes I will be doing something very important in a webpage and it freezes up (I leave my PC on 24/7 and try to restart at least once a day or so but it is unavoidable). I would gladly sit back and wait for the webpage to finish doing whatever it is but Internet Explorer steps in and closes the webpage, losing all my precious work.

A problem with this webpage caused Internet Explorer to close and reopen the tab.

I am using Internet Explorer 11 and have had this issue for a while now. Is there any way to disable this, like a registry hack to change the wait time for webpages or something? Switching to Chrome or Firefox is not really an option for me.

Best Answer

In the comments on the post, I have advised trying to start Internet Explorer in No Add-ons Mode by entering in the Run command the following command:

iexplore.exe -extoff

In this mode, apparently the crash does not happen, so we can assume that some add-on is responsible for this problem in this case. In the general case, it should be remarked that there are very many possible reasons for such a crash and that there is not one solution to fit them all.

You will now need to disable selectively add-ons until you find the one that is crashing. Once found, you could :

  1. Search for and install the latest version for the add-on
  2. Do without the add-on
  3. Search for an alternative add-on
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