Windows – Disable Google Chrome Context Menu

google-chromekioskright clickwindows

Ok, we are setting up a computer lab for students. They will be only using one website, and they like to break the computers, go to game sites, download music, etc, every chance possible. We are already setting up Chrome in kiosk mode. However, is there a way to disable the context menu? Sadly, using something such as autohotkey will not work because we're replacing the shell with the kiosk mode browser. So, is there any registry tweak, or something similar, to just disable right click?

Best Answer

As users have indicated here, there doesn't seem to be a universal way to disable the right click context menu.

However, you can still accomplish what you want using autohotkey. Just create a script that disables the right click and then launch your desired application, chrome in this case. Then just compile the script to an EXE and you can launch this instead of the explorer shell, for example:

Run , C:\<pathtochrome>\chrome.exe --incognito