Windows – Disable Application run – Security warning


Our company has an internal software application (.xbap and .application) that is launched through Internet Explorer and it's hosted on several servers. There are tens of computers that access it. Every time anyone tries to open it there is a Security warning popup.

My goal is to get rid of the warning popup and go straight to launching that application.

I've googled around and found some ways:

  • Add exception to Internet explorer security settings – it's blocked by administration and it would work for the local machine, I want to get rid of the popup for all machines.
  • Generate certificate and sign code – I've successfully signed my code, but security warning popup still appears, but there is a green shield icon instead of the red one (it still appears because the program requires Machine Access – and it always will).

Now I want some way to change group policy, so Admins will take list of servers where our application runs, add it to exception for this security warning popup. This way we won't have to change IE security settings on tens of PCs.

Is this possible? Or is there any other way?


Picture of security warning. Let me know if it's there, I can't see it myself.

I cannot upload my screenshot (policy), but I found this one which is exactly the same:

security warning

When I signed my code, the shield turned green and publisher field was filled, but the popup remained.

Edit2: My bad, the application is not .exe but .xbap and .application

Edit3: Managed to get rid of the popup. After code signing, I've added the certificate in IE Trusted Root Certification Authorities and Trusted Publisher. Now I just need to find a way to add it for all users.

Best Answer

The solution that solved my problem.

  • I've signed my application with a certificate (pfx - with private key). (In Visual studio, right click project, properties, signing ClickOnce manifest)

  • I've passed the certificate without the private key (.cer) to our admin team and they used Group policy (GPO) to add this certificate to IE - Trusted Root Certification Authorities and Trusted publishers.

As a user, I would add it through IE \ Internet options \ Content \ Certificates, correct tabs.

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