Windows – Cygwin error – Failed to run ‘/bin/bash’: No such file or directory

bashcygwin;windows 7

I've just downloaded and installed Cygwin on Windows 7. It seems to have installed successfully, with the C:\Cygwin64 folder comprising 1.2GB of data when the installation folder I installed it from was just under 300MB. However, clicking the desktop shortcut opens mintty.exe, which then displays the error:

Failed to run '/bin/bash': No such file or directory

This is despite the fact I installed all of the base files, of which bash was supposedly part of – and even if it wasn't, the installer later showed it as a required package and installed it itself. So does anyone have any idea what's happening here? This might be my fourth attempt in the last day trying to get a successful install of Cygwin working; I'm starting to think I'm just not meant to have it.

Best Answer

I managed to sort this with yet another installation - this time I opted to download and install from the net (option 1 in the installer), instead of downloading the files separately and installing from the locally-stored folder (options 2 and 3). I can't be sure why selecting those options was providing me with an incomplete installation, but I'm now able to run bash without errors.

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