Windows – Custom superbar shortcut icons missing after restart

iconstaskbarwindows 8

I want to add web-app shortcuts to my Windows 8 superbar.

Here's what I did:

  1. Created a shortcut (.lnk)
  2. Pointing to an URL (e.g.
  3. Changed the icon to a custom, pretty .ico file
  4. Pinned it to the taskbar

The results, at first, were quite satisfying:

Custom icons

But after a restart, this happens:

Blank icons


  • Rebuilding the icon cache didn't work
  • Logging out doesn't affect the icons, only shutting down / restarting does
  • The .lnk files, as well as the .ico files, are saved and not moved (so they should be found)

What can I do to fix this?

Edit: To specify, the clover icon is not a web app, it's Clover.

Edit 2: Seeing the lack of answers, can anyone even reproduce this behaviour?

Best Answer

I have web apps pinned to my taskbar and that doesn't happen. I never used your approach of creating links, i just create them with google chrome:

Step 1:

enter image description here

Step 2:

enter image description here

And it gets pinned to the taskbar and are then used as standalone apps.

And if you want to change the icons to your custom icons, you can do that also, by right clicking the button and then right clicking again on the application name and select "Properties". You might need to reboot your computer to make them appear.

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