Windows – Cursor moves slightly during trackpad click

dell-xpstouchpadwindows 10

I've noticed this on a few laptops, but this question is specifically for the Dell XPS 13 with the precision touchpad. Often if I attempt to click using the trackpad, the cursor will move slightly during the click. This causes the cursor to select the wrong item. It only seems to move about 10 pixels or less, but it's often enough to cause a click at the wrong location. Is there a setting to fix this, or to change the sensitivity? I do not have this problem on my current laptop with Synaptics drivers.

Best Answer

I'm not aware that Microsoft has provided any controls to tune that kind of behavior. Looking at some images, it looks like that touchpad is a "clickpad" meaning you "click" by pressing the whole touchpad down, which sounds like the issue you are having. A possible workaround is to use a different finger to click, than the one you are using to move the cursor. Generally, you can press with a second finger and it doesn't change the effect of the first finger, and even keep the extra finger resting over the button area. It is probably most intuitive to press in the lower left touchpad area (southwest) for left ie primary click, and in the right (southeast) for right ie secondary cick, but generally, any click that is not southeast will result in primary click.

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