Windows – Creating a named pipe on Windows

pipesql serversql-server-2005windows

I want to write a large dataset from a SQL Server 2005 database using BCP (bulk copy program).

Ideally I'd like to do the following:

bcp MyDatabase..MyTable OUT STDOUT -c -t, |gzip -c c:\temp\dataset.csv.gz

However BCP just writes this to a literal file named STDOUT.

I also tried:

bcp MyDatabase..MyTable OUT CON: -c -t, |gzip -c c:\temp\dataset.csv.gz

but this returns and error of Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Unable to open BCP host data-file.

So, can I create a named pipe anywhere? I've seen hints on the web of somehow starting gzip with one end tied to a filename like \\.\named_pipe – but how is this done?

Update: Note that Microsoft themselves acknowedge that they really don't care about efficiency with SQL Server:

Best Answer

On Unix you can use mkfifo for this sort of thing, but as far as I know, there's no Windows command-line tool to create or manipulate named pipes. They're not accessible to command-line tools in the way that conventional and UNC paths are.

You can create a named pipe in Perl by using Win32::Pipe, if you know Perl well enough. And you could write a Perl client to pull data out of the pipe and send it to STDOUT, but this really can't be done elegantly in Windows.

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