Windows – create a Chocolatey installer automatically based on the currently installed applications? How

chocolateyinstallationscriptwindowswindows 7

I intend to reinstall Windows on my computer soon and I'd like to make the process of reinstalling all of my applications as seamless as possible. I know you can create a Chocolatey script that can be run on the new machine that will install of the applications I add to the script, but I have many applications and the process of typing out all of these into the script is tedious.

Is there some application available that can scan the currently installed programs on my computer (Win7) and generate a Chocolatey/Boxstarter script containing all of my programs that I can then use to reinstall all of them on my new computer?

Best Answer

As far as I am aware, there is no such solution. It is definitely something I have thought of. It would be super cool to run a command that would look at:

  1. Currently installed packages
  2. Running services
  3. Installed windows features
  4. GUI registry settings
  5. MSIs installed and find matching chocolatey packages

and then spit out a big custom chocolatey package that could reconstruct the environment.

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