Windows – Create a Batch file (.bat) to search an string through multiple files

batchbatch filecommand linesearchwindows

I am using Windows Server 2008 and I need to create a Batch file (.bat) to search for a given string in 20.000 to 30.000 files located all in one folder in the same level (without subfolders).

I have been searching and reading around but I couldn't find anything to do it.

Trying it with this without success:

@echo off for /r "delims=|" %%i in (*) do  (    
    findstr /m /C:"34444" %%i


Best Answer

From batch

START cmd.exe /k "Findstr -m "34444" *.*"

From command line

Findstr -m "34444" *.*"

also from powershell, create named batch file *.cmd extension containing following content. (remember to change the gci path 'your folder path'.

@PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -noexit -Command Invoke-Expression $('$args=@(^&{$args} %*);'+[String]::Join(';',(Get-Content '%~f0') -notmatch '^^@PowerShell.*EOF$')) & goto :EOF
gci -path 'c:\your folder path\' -fi '*' | Select-String -patt "34444" | select Filename, LineNumber | Format-Table -a

call batch file *.cmd to run the powershell search.

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