Windows – Computer going to sleep while being used

keyboardsleepviruswindowswindows 7

i just got my laptop back from a service, one of the hinges broke and i had it replaced.

The problem now is that it keeps going to sleep while i'm using it(not that i'm running a program, i'm typeing and it goes to sleep).

I've checked the event viewer and what i get is "Sleep Reason: Button or Lid". My question is could thid be caused by a virus(is so how can i tell, it also happens when i input my password can a virus send the pc to sleep while the login screen is displayed) or did they just mess up the wireing and when i type something happens. Btw it only happens when i type.

Windows 7 Professional x64.

Asus N61JV.

Sorry for the quality of the question but i'm using my phone.

Best Answer

Malware, which main purpose is to shut itself down from operating, is something I would put into the "yeah, possible but implausible" corner.

You can look into the Event Viewer of Windows to find out the reason for the shutdown / sleep:

Open Event Viewer by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking System and Security, clicking Administrative Tools, and then double-clicking Event Viewer.‌ Administrator permission required If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

It's more likely that your hardware does something funny: They keyboard not correct attached to the mainboard or some other malfaction.

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