Windows – cmd msg command won’t send to other computers

networkingwindowswindows 7

We've 5 Windows 7 and XP computers connected to a router. And they're in the same workgroup. (I can share file)

I want to send a message to others with Command Prompt. So, as I did before, enter:

msg * "good morning"

but it prompts in my computer only. (I'm using Windows 7)

I have searched a lot, and read some solutions (for example check registry and set this key to 1: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server), but still can't send message to others.

Do you know how to solve it?

Or can you suggest another command to send simple message to others? (which works in WinXP and Win7)

Best Answer

Try winsent.

MS messenging died with Vista SP2. net send computers communicate with each other and MSG generation ones with each other but getting them to reliably even see each other isn't worth the hassle.

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