Windows – Clean install Windows on a Mac on new SSD

bootmacmacosusbwindows 7

I recently bought a new SSD. I own a MacBook Pro with Boot Camp and a Windows 7. However, I don't really use my OS X. So I've decided to skip it and do a clean Windows 7 install on my new hard drive. My thought:

  1. Switch hard drive
  2. Plug in USB drive w/ Windows 7 installer
  3. Boot and install Windows
  4. Wooh

Not that easy! I've tried it and when booting with the USB stick in, all I get is a grey screen with a flashing folder with a questionmark.

What I have:

  • Old hard drive w/ OS X and Windows 7
  • Windows 7 on USB ready to go
  • Brand new SSD

What I've thought I could do:

  • Insert SSD
  • Install OS X.
  • Install rEFIt
  • Boot USB, whipe SSD and install Windows

Only one problem. Can't find my OS X cds!

Does anyone have a tip?


Thanks for the help and suggestions, guys. For now, I've come to the conclusion that my USB stick is not bootable. At least not on a Mac. It won't boot a Windows install, neither an OS X installation (grey "reboot computer" screen loop).

I'll try and buy some DVD's tomorrow (it's 0:38 AM in Denmark)

Best Answer

I did this. I formatted the MAC with Windows 7 exclusively and quickly realized that I was going to be unable to pull down firmware or driver updates from the Mac Software Update option. You can probably find new Bootcamp drivers out on the Internet and just install them on the Windows side, however, you will be out of luck for firmware updates and other updates only pushed to the Mac side.

HIGHLY SUGGEST shrink the OSX partition down to the minimum amount of space (25 - 30GB) and just boot into it to run updates. I never use the Mac side anymore. Then, configure your book, so that it boots Windows only.

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