Windows – Chrome Remote Desktop with Windows 10 headless NAS, No Physical Mouse attached, Cannot see mouse pointer, Mouse emulator

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Just moved to Windows 10, love the new look, issue is my NAS is Headless and I use a HDMI emulator so as to activate the display when I connect to it locally/remotely via Chrome Remote Desktop.

The problem is that this worked fine for Windows 7 when connecting to the headless gigabyte brix via chrome remote desktop.

Now there is an additional problem, if I don't add a physical mouse to the brix, when I connect via Chrome Remote Desktop, I cannot see the mouse pointer.

My Query: Is there a software based solution so Windows does not see my brix as a touch screen and hence not show a pointer


Is there a compact hardware based solution something like this which I used for the HDMI solution

Best Answer

This is a known bug. A quick workaround (that you'll have to repeat each time you connect) is to click, hold, and drag the "Your desktop is currently shared" notification at the bottom of the screen. The mouse pointer will appear (but note that it won't change appearance when you hover over text or links etc).