Windows – Changed MAC address of Wireless card being ignored

mac addresswindows 7

I am attempting to spoof a MAC address on my wireless card (Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6205) in Windows 7.

Since the Driver Properties dialog doesn't have an option to change the address, I've had to dive into the registry. In there I've already changed the proper key to get a Network Address, which for me is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0015\NetworkAddress. Other programs like TMAC seem to just be nicer ways to change this value.

This value has been set and Windows has already been rebooted. However my MAC address has not changed. I've even changed the virtual Wi-Fi network card's address thinking it might help, but nothing happened.

Are there any other ways to change my wireless card's MAC address? Or is this just one of those wireless cards that can't be changed

Best Answer

Download Intel's Wireless ProSet and install it (with advanced options). This will give you all the configuration options possible, and MAC spoofing is usually one of them (can't say for sure for your specific WiFi model).

Intel Wireless ProSet direct download links (from Intel's support pages): 32-bit - 64-bit

Grab the larger package for your bit-level, as it will include the ProSet utility instead of just the driver.

Also see: How do I change the MAC address of my network card?

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