Windows – Change the Image/Logo of the Windows Store tile in the Windows 8 Start Screen

start-screenwindows 8

I saw this post : How do I change the tile image of a Modern UI application? but it didn't contain any method to change the image of the Windows Store tile.

Can anyone please tell me how can I do that?

Best Answer

Windows Store

  1. Navigate to C:\Windows\WinStore and make a backup of the images folder.

  2. Take ownership of the images folder.

  3. Open the images folder.

  4. To customize the normal tile, edit the logo.png and logo.scale-x.png files and to customize the wide tile, edit the tilewide.png and tilewide.scale-x.png files.

  5. Open the Start Screen and make the size of the Store tile smaller or larger and you will be able to see the changes.

NOTE: This unique trick was discovered by me and is not posted anywhere.

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