Windows – Cant kill a process,gives me “access denied” Error even with admin

command lineprocesswindowswindows 8.1

Since yesterday I was trying to kill hl2.exe (Team Fortress 2) process and:

  • Task Manager wont show that hl2.exe is running

  • Process Manager&Process Hacker 2 says "Access denied" When tried to kill the process.


  • Command Prompt says that there is no program running by the name of hl2.exe.

I opened Process Manager, Process Hacker 2 and Command Prompt as administrator but it still didnt worked.

I really ran out of ideas as to what I should do and I really need to fix this.

Best Answer

Try taskkill /im hl2.exe /t /f. Be sure to run a command prompt with administrative priviledges (right click on the Start button, it should be one of the available options).

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