Windows – Can’t find Sublime Text 3’s “Default” folder in /Packages/ folder using Windows Explorer


I have Sublime Text 3(ST3) installed on Windows 7.

I click "Preferences > Settings – Default" in ST3's menu.

A file named Preferences.sublime-settings opens up in ST3. Fine. In ST3's title bar, it indicates that this preferences file is located in C:\Users\Myname\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Default\

Now, the problem is, if I open Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\Users\Myname\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages, there's no directory named "Default"

So why can't I see this directory? And where is the "Preferences > Settings – Default" file actually located and if it's actually in another folder, why would it show a different path in ST3'a title bar?

Best Answer

Unlike ST2, which contained everything in the Packages directory, packages in ST3 are located in zipped .sublime-package files in the Installed Packages directory (in AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3). Sublime is internally configured to display a file contained in a .sublime-package archive as originating in Packages, even though it physically may not be there on the disk.

If you want to access the files in a .sublime-package file (which I wouldn't recommend unless you're absolutely sure of what you're doing), install the PackageResourceViewer package through Package Control, and utilize the commands in the Command Palette.

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