Windows – Can’t access an internal IIS web site via IP address, only hostname

home-networkingiisiis-7windows server 2008

I have a machine on my home network running Windows Server 2008 (IIS7) with a web application running under default website called HTCOMNET. The network is just on a Windows Workgroup. The server is named nas1 and has a (dynamically assigned) IPv4 address of

I can ping When I ping the machine by name ("nas1"), the hostname resolves to an IPv6 link-local address (as opposed to the ipv4 address). In a browser, I can go to http://nas1/HTCOMNET/ and IIS serves the site, no problem. But if I go to, no dice. I have all the windows firewalls turned off.

Any idea what's going on? I can't for the life of me figure out why I can't hit IIS via the IP. I feel like it's something really obvious, but i can't figure out what. Thanks!

Best Answer

Check to see if your bindings are correct for what you are trying to do. You should add all unassigned addresses to the web site you are trying to serve.

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