Windows – Cannot remove files on Windows

aclntfspermissionswindows 7

I've got some files that I wish to delete. They are on a local hard drive. This hard drive has never been near any other operating system. I am the administrator, and the only administrator, for this machine, and every other machine this hard drive has been in. There have never even been any other administrators- not even a guest account. But Windows will not permit me to remove these files. It says that I need permission from "S-1-5-21-4140038465-826365687-30361609-1001". I've tried altering the permissions but Windows rejects me for not having permission. I don't get it. I am the administrator, and the file system should be under my complete control at all times.

How can I get rid of these files?


Now it says I need permission from myself. WTF is wrong with this thing?

Best Answer

I would recommend using "Unlocker"

It is a program just for that, it releases the files and can execute any action on them like deleting them.

Once installed, you just have to "right click" on the file/directory you want to delete and use the asistant to delete them.

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