Windows – Cannot install Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 7 Enterprise (64-bit) — KB2384140 is not applicable

internet explorerwindows 7windows update

I tried hard to install Internet Explorer 10 on my computer with Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit. (It is a multilanguage version. The English is installed first, then language support packages are installed, and the tool is used to switch the language. After that, it has the Czech-language user interface.) No luck.

I did try it with Windows Update. The update was suggested, but it repeatedly ended with the "unknown error" with the code 9C57. After "Show help for the error" it says it searched for "WindowsUpdate_00009C57" and "WindowsUpdate_dt000". The situation repeat when I try second time… I tried also "clean boot" (i.e. msconfig.exe, off the "after start app", hide MS services, etc.) It did not help.

When installing from a standalone IE10-Windows6.1-x64-cs-cz.exe (about 47 MB), it downloads the required updates first, then it says I should go online and follow the

The two of the mentioned packages (Windows6.1-KB2670838-x64.msu and Windows6.1-KB2786081-x64.msu) cannot be applied to my computer).

Exactly the same error appears when trying the en-us version (IE10-Windows6.1-x64-en-us.exe).

When looking inside the c:\Windows\IE10_main.log, I can find the lines:

02:12.040: INFO:    Prerequisite download processes have completed. Starting Installation of 6 prerequisites.
02:12.133: INFO:    Launched package installation: C:\Windows\SysNative\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1846B.tmp\KB2834140\ /quiet /norestart
02:33.973: INFO:    Process 'C:\Windows\SysNative\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1846B.tmp\KB2834140\ /quiet /norestart' exited with exit code 0x800F081E (-2146498530)
02:34.036: ERROR:   Error installing prerequisite file (C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1846B.tmp\KB2834140_amd64.MSU): 0x800f081e (2148468766)

Because of that, I have downloaded the Windows6.1-KB2834140-v2-x64.msu from the official download pages and tried to install it separately. It ends with a simple message telling me (loosely translated) "The update cannot be applied to your computer."

Then I have extracted the from inside and launched the

"C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe" /online /norestart /logpath:"C:\tmp\a\log.txt" /add-package /packagepath:"C:\tmp\a\" /ignorecheck

(It was launched from the cmd console with leveraged administrator rights.) It displayed the text in the sense (translated from Czech) "The package Package_for_KB2834140 is to be ignored because it is not valid for this bit copy." (The log file contains the English line…)

2013-09-19 09:40:35, Info                  DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=6212 The package Package_for_KB2834140 is not applicable to the image. Continuing due to /ignorecheck switch. - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::Private_ProcessPackageChange

What else should I try to install the package and the Internet Explorer 10?

Update: I tried to follow the Ramhound's advice to uninstall all language packs (to install IE 10 with English only). However, I was probably not able to do that completely. The attempt to switch to the English.
The Czech still remains as the default language somehow — notice the text at the line with the yellow triangle. The full text says: "Language is the system language (default language of the user interface)." Anyway, the welcome screen speaks English and also the GUI uses English texts. The only exception is the content of the Windows Update windows. I guess it is a web application and the text may depend on something else than the installed UI language:
The Windows Update window with Czech texts
The update ends with the error that was observed earlier. Clicking the "Zobrazit nápovědu k této chybě" (Show the help for the error) still shows:
The error details

Best Answer

I dont know if that makes a difference, but do you have an amd-cpu? Because the error includes amd64. Is it possible, that there are different downloads for different types of cpu?

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