Windows cannot find c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe

notepadwindows 7

I have a Windows 7 PC, and since a couple of days ago if I try to open notepad i get the following error:

Windows cannot find
Make sure you typed the name
correctly, and they try again.

By performing a search I found that notepad.exe in c:\windows, c:\windows\system and c:\windows\system32, and in all three locations I have tried to replace it with the file taken from another Windows 7 PC but I get the same error.

Best Answer

Got same issue after playing with replacing notepad by notepad++. In order to restore normal behaviour I have to delete one key in windows registry.

  1. open windows registry editor (as administrator)
  2. open

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options
  3. remove (if exists) notepad.exe

For me it worked like a charm. Remember to make registry backup before removing and of course you do it on your own risk.

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