Windows – Cannot change power button or lid close action

power-managementwindows 7

I have a Samsung 900x laptop and I want to change it so that when I close the lid, nothing happens (I often close the lid to carry it somewhere 10 seconds away, and by putting it into suspend it cancels any active downloads/etc).

Easy, right? Go to Power Options and change it there; just like on every other laptop in the world.

Not so fast:

enter image description here

Saywhat?! That message only shows up for the nodes for Lid Close Action, Power Button and Sleep Button. I can change every other setting except for those three.

I'm definately an Administrator on the computer, and I've googled the error and found dozens of hits on other crappy forums, but of course nothing on those worked (otherwise, I wouldn't be here). And as ususal the "Why can't…" hyperlink gives no useful infomation what so ever (just a generic Help document).

So – how can I change what closing the lid does? I will modify the registry directly if I have to.

Best Answer

I had the same problem and just found the answer here. It worked for me. =]

There's this little program that by doing its work, cancels our options on what closing the lid etc do. It's called Fast Start. Run it, turn it off and now you have a fuller command of your laptop. Hope it works for you as well.