Windows – Cannot change permissions to folder

permissionsSecuritywindows 10

I re-installed Windows 10 using a different disk.
The permissions on my “My Documents” directory (D:\Users\Shimmy\Documents)
look like:

enter image description here

Notably it is owned by “S-1-5-21-4050467196-1737195207-1040009286-1002”;
i.e., a GUID that doesn't map to a name
(probably a residual of the previous installation). 
When I try to change the owner to the current user or 'everyone', I get the following error message:

enter image description here

The message says:

An error occurred while applying security information to:
<file name>
Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access is denied.

How can I reclaim ownership on the disk/folder/file?

Best Answer

If you change the permissions of the parent folder - and ensure to select to replace ownership on all child items - then this should resolve the issue.

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