Windows – Can you downmix Windows 7 sound to mono

audiomonowindows 7

I need my Windows 7 64 bit machine to output mono downmixed sound. Downmixed, not just single channel (I'm deaf in one ear).

Is there any possibility to force such behavior. I'm looking for a software solution to mix two channels into one.

I know that some media players have this functionality, but I'd like the whole system (ie games, flash applications, etc) to produce downmixed audio. (If none exist then just one for Spotify and Windows Media Player would be handy).


Best Answer

I'm deaf in one ear too. I haven't found a general solution for Windows 7, but there is a solution for Windows Media Player:

  • Start WMP and go into the "Now Playing" view.
  • Right click anywhere in the main window and choose "Enhancements -> SRS WOW effects".
  • Click the "Turn on" option.

I don't know why this works, but it does. If you drag the TruBass and WOW Effect sliders all the way to the left, it seems to avoid messing with the audio quality (other than downmixing the left and right channels to mono).

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