Windows – Buzzing noise feedback from speakers when large amounts of text present on monitor

audiospeakerswindows 7

This is quite possibly the most ridiculous question I've ever asked. I'm not a tech novice by any means whatsoever, but I'm also definitely not crazy.

This has been going on for quite some time now and I'd like to know what could be causing it. I'm open to any and all answers.

I have on and under my desk a desktop, a set of 4 standalone speakers, a subwoofer, and a router. I'm running Windows 7 and I'm on a clean install (just finished it 2 hours ago for unrelated reasons, actually)

Whenever I view a web page or use an app that has a large amount of white space, I hear a slight buzzing from my speakers. This noise gets multiplied into an irritating sound if there is a large amount of text on that white space (even white text on black does it).

The tone of the buzz changes as I scroll.

I set my wallpaper to a solid black, and whenever I hover over the Show Desktop button in the bottom right-hand corner, the sound almost all but vanishes.

What could be causing this? Should I put my speakers on a dedicated outlet? Or perhaps the router is causing issues? I've tried to move them far apart physically and it still happens.

Again, I feel stupid asking this, but it's getting to the point where I can't ignore it anymore.

Best Answer

  1. If you have CRT monitors, the magnetic induction will disturb the speakers. The CRT monitor will work more to produce white & mixed tints than pure dark tints.

    Place your speaker wire away from any other electronic goods. Also try other OSes.

  2. To be sure, check your speakers with another system to confirm whether it is a speaker problem or your PC's problem

After finding out which causes the problem (whether speaker or PC), contact the respective manufacturer.

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