Windows – Bluescreen on startup after Windows 7 Service Pack 1 installation

bsodservice-packwindows 7

I tried to install Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (64 bit) on my Dell notebook. Everything worked fine up to the first reboot after the installation. When booting, right before the Windows logo appears, a bluescreen with code STOP 0x0000007B occurs. Booting in safe mode is not possible, as it states a corrupt SP1 installation and wants to restore the system.

Restoring resulted in several system problems (.NET framework for example). So I decided to do a fresh install of Windows 7 and then install the SP1 directly before installing anything on the new install.

As you perhaps already guessed: it did not help a thing. Bluescreens on almost every boot attempt. I then found some articles which said, it may be a SATA driver problem and I switched from AHCI to IDE with no success.

What could be the problem? Any guesses and advices?

System: Dell Studio 1558 with Corsair SSD F240 drive and Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

Best Answer

My first guess would be a corrupt device driver - maybe not something as drastic as a SATA driver, but it could be something you haven't thought of such as a webcam.

(e.g. I remember Windows XP SP1 failing because of my USB CD-RW Drive)

If you are not using the computer much at the moment because of this, as a test, I would recommend you reinstall Windows 7 and attempt to disable pretty much every piece of hardware you can from device manager before trying to load up SP1, then enable one by one and do a restart.

If this doesn't help, please let me know and I will try and help further.

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