Windows – Blank screen in Windows 8.1

event-loggraphics cardwindowswindows 8windows 8.1

Recently I bought new computer (AMD FX-6300, 8GB RAM, SSD and GTX650 as graphic card). I installed Windows 8.1. At the beginning everything went well. But after one day I have two strange problems.

1) From time to time screen is blank for 1-2 sec. After first time it happens more often, to moment when monitors (I have two) are black, then I have to reset Windows, go into SaveMode and disable graphic card driver. Restart. I enable again graphic card and I can use computer for one day, to moment when this happened again.

I have installed the freshest graph drivers and Windows updates, I check my computer with antivirus (AVG), by CHDSK, SFC etc but they don't found any errors. I found something interesting in EventLog, I think it could be a reason, but I cannot find any useful information about this error.

The desktop window manager has encountered a fatal error (0x8898009b)

2) Time and date is changing without any reason. I turn off sync with What else could change date in my computer, how can I profile it?

My main question is how to solve: "The desktop window manager has encountered a fatal error (0x8898009b)" error

Thanks for all your hints and suggestion

Best Answer

I find solution of my problem.
There is source: link

  1. Run cmd as Administrator.
  2. Type bcdedit /set useplatformclock true Enter
  3. Type bcdedit /enum Enter
  4. Verify that useplatformclock is on/true.
  5. Restart the computer.
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