Windows batch script: how to run an executable and answer prompts from the executable

batch filewindows

I have an old executable that runs on the command line. It prompts the user interactively for specific pieces of information. What I would like to do is to wrap the all the interaction of this command into a batch script so that it just runs and answers the prompts without a user having to interact.

This is different from simply executing a command with arguments. The executable prompts the user. Paraphrasing the way it works…

  Welcome to old program.

  Please enter your name:
  > John Smith

  How many widgets are you buying:
  > 47

 Great, generating the PO file now...

Ideally, I would like to actually wait for the prompts and respond to each accordingly. I can do that in .NET with the Process object, but I'd like to attempt this using a windows batch script. If I can't parse the prompts and just need to blindly dump arguments, I'll take that as well.

I see another question where the answer was to use VBScript. Is there a way to do this in plain batch script?

Best Answer

It depends on the way your legacy.exe interacts with (redirected) standardinput.

You can try this

(Echo John Smith&Echo 47)|legacy.exe

If that doesn't work you may need a 3rd party sendkey.exe and detach legacy.exe from the batch with start as suggested by Genaro Morales and use the sendkey app to do the input in a similar way the vbs solution does. So this isn't pure batch. See these search results.

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