Windows – .bat within a .bat, not operational — how would you have done it

batchbatch filecommand linewindows

I have received a warning that this is a too "subjective" question, but I can't really find another way to say this in a text as short as a title, so my apologies… any suggestions for a title are appreciated.

So on to my question, yesterday I tried to code something and I failed, simple as that… after several hours of searching for the problem, I still couldn't find it: so in hopes of finding a solution, I am asking, how would you have done it?


There is a file called a.bat in the F:\ directory, that needs to be moved to the C:\Users directory when clicked upon, and since the act of moving would disrupt the file, it needs to be re-started from the C:\Users directory after the move. So we need to code a batch within a batch, right?

One that would form when a.bat is clicked, and do the move as well as launching a.bat when the move is finished. Now I can't seem to do it, the code just does not work. It creates a loop of CMDs that forces me to restart the computer, even though it seems like a simple task — and yes I did if %cd% == C:\Users goto z, which would skip creating the batch that would do the move, if the file is already in that directory.

Best Answer

If I'm understanding the question you might try something like this:


:: If the script is not running under "C:\Users" it will copy
:: itself there and then execute that copy which will remove
:: this copy (ie. the copy in F:\) and then perform the normal
::script operations.

IF /I NOT "%~dp0"=="C:\Users\" (
  IF NOT EXIST "C:\Users\%~nx0" COPY "%~0" C:\Users
  IF EXIST "C:\Users\%~nx0" (
    "C:\Users\%~nx0" "%~0"
  ) ELSE (
    ECHO Unable to copy the script to "C:\Users".
    ECHO Ensure you are running the script as an administrator and try again.
    ECHO Press any key to close this window ...

:: The first parameter of the script (%~1) is the path to the old
:: location of the script that needs to be removed.  The parameter
:: is used recursively (above) whenever the script is executed from
:: a location other than "C:\Users".

IF NOT "%~1"=="" IF EXIST "%~1" DEL /F "%~1"

:: Put your script code here


The batch file will have to run as an admin in order to make a copy in C:\Users unless the permissions of C:\Users have been changed to allow standard users to write to the folder.

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