Windows – AWK Equivalent Functionality on Windows

awkcommand linewindows

I need to troubleshoot some issues on a client PC that I am unable to install additional software on and need some basic functionality of awk on windows xp & 7.

Basically, I need to strip the process ID from netstat so I can use it down the line in different parts of a script but have no knowledge of a native command that could do the equivalent of awk '{ print $4 }'. Are there any options for me? Obviously I'm quite new to windows cli.

Best Answer

To get the Process ID (PID):

  • open cmd.exe and type in:
  • tasklist /fi "imagename eq netstat.exe" > D:\test.txt

That command will create a new text file with the process ID of netstat (if netstat is running).
The problem is, that this file will contain more than only the PID.

Maybe its enough for you to start with?

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