Windows – Automatically select features for silent MSI install

installersilent installwindows-installer

I have an InstallShield .exe that 'wraps' an MSI installer. I can pass arguments to the MSI installer like this:


For example, to do a silent install: p4inst64.exe /S /v"/qn". The MSI installer will install 4 'features;, but I only want to install 1.

How can I specify feature selection for the MSI installer from the command line?

Best Answer

You can try to add ADDLOCAL to the command line:

p4inst64.exe /s /v"/QN /L*V "C:\test.log" ADDLOCAL="FeatureName""

I haven't tested this, but it should work ok, barring any issues with the quotes inside the parent quotes.

/L*V "C:\Test.log"= verbose logging
/QN = run completely silently
ADDLOCAL="FeatureName" = Install this feature locally 
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