Windows – Attaching answer file to sysprep

sysprepwindows 7

Cloning Windows 7 is very confusing!

I've read most of and it's sub-topics, but I can't figure it out.

When I run the sysprep, it strips the custom drivers out?

Apparently, I am supposed to create an answer file which contains the following:

<settings pass="generalize"> 
  <component name="Microsoft-Windows-PnpSysprep"> 

What I can't figure out is how to attach this answer file to sysprep?

Or am I supposed to run sysprep, let it strip out all the drivers, then use windows aik to re-attach the drivers? I can't figure out the correct sequence from the microsoft help files.

Best Answer

The file is actually an "Unattended Install Answer File".

Take a look at this MS Article: Sysprep Command-Line Syntax.

Specifically the Sysprep option "/unattend answerfile":

Applies settings in an answer file to Windows during unattended installation.

Specifies the path and file name of the answer file to use.

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