Windows – Asus Netbook restarts while loading windows files for installation

asus-laptopbootinstallationnetbookwindows 7

I recently bought an Asus X200MA-KX141H X Series Netbook with DOS pre-installed. I made a bootable USB stick with windows 7 in it and after booting into the windows installation screen, loading windows files fast and displaying the 'Windows is Starting' message for a few seconds without even the glowing windows logo appearing, the netbook immediately restarts and repeats the whole booting process again. It doesn't proceed into the 'Install Windows' screen. It shows the blue screen of death if XHCI mode is disabled stating that the bios is not compatible with the AHCI. Please help! Thanks in Advance… 🙂

Best Answer

I also bought an Asus X200MA-KX143D-blue netbook (or notebook or ultrabook, whatever) and had the same problem. I found this solution topic on the net. You need to update your BIOS.

  1. So you have to download the latest Bios version from this site:
  2. Then, upgrade the BIOS. You can follow the instructions found in the manual.
  3. Finally just change to "Windows 7" at the "Advanced/OS Selection" tab of the Bios, as it's written in the solution topic.

Hope this will work ;)


Thank you very much, Radoo!

P.S: ah, and also: I bought a Transcend usb cd/dvd writer (I installed the win with that, I didn't try it with the USB stick solution, but it should work after you updated the BIOS) and it uses usb 2.0, so I had to disable the XHCI mode at the "Advanced/USB Configuration", since that is associated with USB 3.0, I don't know about that thing though =), my uncle helped me with that.

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