Windows – an effective way to get the count of file types on the drive

file-typesmediawindows 7

I have a 2TB drive with a ton of media from the last 10 years. Audio, video, photos, etc… Ton of files.

Is there an effective way to summarize the file types on the drive? For instance, I'd like to see how many music files (.wav, .mp3, .aac, etc…), videos (.mp4, m4v, .mpg, .avi, .mkv, etc…), photos (.png, .jpg), etc… I have.

Best Answer

One method would be to use Everything. For example, you can search for *.AVI and Everything will give you the number of AVI files in the drive in a few seconds.

Another method would be to use scripts. This is an example of VBA code, and this is an example of Python code.

You may also use a command line script to count files by a particular file type. Example:

set /a count=0
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in ('dir/s/b/a-d "C:\*.avi"') do (
set /a count+=1

echo %count% 
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