Windows – Allow Internet Access with Default Gateway on Windows 7 VPN Server


I have a Windows 7 box at home (which I'll refer to as Home-VPN) that runs a simple PPTP VPN server. I have a range of 2 IP address ( to give out, although the server is only able to give out one concurrent connection. Ports 1723 & 47 are correctly forwarded to the server. IPv6 is disabled on both Home-VPN and the client. I setup Home-VPN just like this Youtube video:

I can connect to it just fine but I can't access the Internet when connected to Home-VPN, all outside web servers (eg.,, are unreachable.

I know I can uncheck "Use Default Gateway on Remote Servers" on the client side under IPv4 settings but that will route all my traffic through my current connection, rather than through the VPN, defeating the purpose of said VPN.

Any ideas on how I can fix this?

Best Answer

Based on your update, you need to assure that the VPN server provides the clinet with an IP and a default gateway and likley DNS server addresses. What happens if you allow the VPN client to receive an address via DHCP rather than assigning the two you have? Can you confirm that the &.11 addresses are on the local subnet which contains the gateway that the host system uses?

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