Windows – Adding python to windows path not working


After following the instructions on the answer to this quetion, my computer still doesn't recognize python as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

I've uploaded a picture for context; what am I doing incorrectly here?enter image description here

EDIT: Here is another picture to show that I am inside path, but the issue seems to be that it won't save the changes I'm making. I copy the correct line in and press enter then press okay, but it's gone when I pull it back up.

Best Answer

What am I doing incorrectly here?

You are not saving your changes correctly.

Look at the bottom of the dialog where you are editing. There are OK and Cancel buttons. Press OK. Then OK on the next dialog, etc ... it should be a total of 3 times:

enter image description here

After you have done this open a new cmd prompt and your modified path should show when you type path.

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