Windows – Acrylic DNS Proxy not resolving

apache-http-serverdnshosts-filePROXYwindows 8

So I recently had an update issue where I landed up downgrading to Windows 8. As I need to do my work, I have re-installed my XAMPP server as well as Acrylic DNS Proxy.

Unfortunately, Acrylic is not working, and I think I may have missed something.

My AcrylicHosts file looks like this: localhost *.local

Apache is configured correctly, and it does work if I add a manual entry to hosts. I turned off the firewall and restarted Acrylic, but that didn't change anything. I've flushed the DNS cache. I've made sure that the Ethernet DNS is set to I did see a suggestion regarding actually having to connect an Ethernet cable to 'activate' it or something, but that didn't work – besides I didn't have to do that when I was using Windows 8.1.

Anything else I can do to get Acrylic working?

Best Answer

Mike I've fixed a bug regarding AAAA queries not resolved properly from the AcrylicHosts.txt file in versions <= 0.9.27.

If you use the latest (0.9.28) version you should be fine.

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