Windows 8 permissions

aclpermissionswindows 8

I am having this really weird problem with Windows 8 where it won't let me edit or save to my program files folder in my C: drive. It keeps telling me access is denied, even when I have taken ownership of the folder and am logged in as an administrator. I can save to my other drives just fine.

The new menu item is even missing the regular items and only allows me to create a folder.

enter image description here

Can someone please help me out? This is really frustrating.

Here is what the file looks like after I edited the permissions:

enter image description here

I gave myself full control yet I can't edit or create files in the directory.

Best Answer

Being the owner does not automatically grant you the right to modify a file or directory. There's an ACL (access control list) that's preventing you from doing what you want. You can display or edit the ACL using the cacls command. For example, here's the ACL on my own Program Files directory:

12 C% cacls '\Program Files'
C:\Program Files NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller:F
                 NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller:(CI)(IO)F
                 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:C
                 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(OI)(CI)(IO)F
                 BUILTIN\Users:(OI)(CI)(IO)(special access:)

                 CREATOR OWNER:(OI)(CI)(IO)F

Unless you have a really good reason you haven't mentioned, you probably don't want to change the ACL on this directory. But if you really, really do, here's how you'd give yourself full control:

cacls '\Program Files' /E /G userid:F


That cacls command modifies the ACL on just that directory, not the contents. If you'd like to edit a config file somewhere in your Program Files directory tree, you'll need to use the cacls command on that file itself. For example:

cacls '\Program Files\FooBarGame\ConfigDirectory\ConfigFile' /E /G userid:F
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