Windows 8 doesn’t boot up, only black screen and cursor

bootsystem-recoverywindows 8

I had a Windows 7 and Ubuntu dual boot system, after upgrading to Windows 8 I uninstalled Ubuntu (deleted partition) and was getting a 'grub: no such partition' error.

I tried fixing by re-installing Ubuntu and also using Windows 8 USB using bootrec everything.

Now I am just getting a blank screen with cursor (_) when I boot up.

I just want to get back the ability to boot into Windows 8.

Edit: Can not install Windows 8 again as it requires reboot, which leads to the blank screen again.

Other partitions seems good, except the Ubuntu one I deleted, swap and a windows ~350 MB partition which I think was as Ubuntu boot when I tried to re-install (not sure).

Best Answer

[FIXED] Recovered Windows 7 and now re-upgrading to 8. Had to format the windows partition.

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