Windows 8 Developer Preview – how to select between “Metro” IE and “Desktop” IE

internet-explorer-10modern-uiwindows 8

I installed the Windows 8 Developer Preview. At some point, I needed IE in "Desktop" mode, (IE suggested to switch over based on the site). Now, whenever I launch IE from the Metro UI, it starts in desktop mode.

How do I get the Metro UI back ? Is it possible to create two shortcuts on the app screen, one for Metro and one for Desktop ?

Best Answer

I would first try to reset internet explorer settings. It's also very likely the option you had access to isn't 100% complete and there may not be a stable or easy to find way to revert.

Get to the standard control panel window, and find internet settings, get to the advanced screen, there is a reset to defaults button there.

internet explorer settings

control panel

Worst case: reinstall a fresh copy of the developer preview.

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